
pleased support us to enfolds our vision on health promotion and environmental safety, by ensuring on the betterment of healthy lives and a safety environment. 

            with Godly hearths, whatever you can support, will be in lined, we are targeting to construct good drinking water facilities, providing environmental safety signs as purpose of health routine, establishment of central disease control and disaster respond units. providing clothes, shelter and food for less priviledge, your advice is also encourage as a support, as long students, we might need more experiences and guides.

you can contact us on the following for donations and support

orange money : +232 78945003

for online donations pleased contact us 

 Dear supporters, 

As you know, unity for health promotion (UFHP)  has been working towards health promotions, prevention, and environmental safety for decades now. We've made enormous progress on passionate in helping people to be healthy and stays in an healthy and safety environment, with your help, we're that much closer to realizing on having a set of teams of young students from various university, whom have volunteer to work in the best interest of the country and as of the people, to create awareness about health related practice to acquired an healthy health status and safety environment. Your generous donation was a major gift and has enabled us to get off the ground. We anticipate significant growth in our outreach efforts, and we have you and donors like you to thank you all very much
